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Emily Hickman

I'm a retired jewelry artist living in Kula, Hawaii, and while I was on lockdown for COVID-19, I started doing these paintings of Maui. I'd always wanted to paint, but never had time until Covid came along. Now the paintings seem to be multiplying and taking over my home.  My art focuses on the older architecture of Maui. I paint from photographs that I have taken around the island. A lot of my subjects hold happy memories for me. Some of these places are changing, disappearing, or becoming unrecognizable as what they once were. I want to capture these times and these places before they  are lost to "progress", bigger parking lots, and modernization.

Emily Hickman
The Medium

I start my work with a light pencil sketch to lay things out, then take over with my pen to do the final detailed drawing. Next, I add some shading and depth with a grisaille India ink wash.  Then comes the color. I paint with watercolors, using a pan of only twelve paints to mix all of the colors that I need. 


Thank you for looking at my art.

Emily Hickman's Studio
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